Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Democrats don't care if people get poisoned drinking water

In Newark New Jersey, which has been run by Democrats since 1953, the mostly Black and Hispanic residents aren't supposed to drink, or presumably cook, with tap water since the water is full of lead.

The city had distributed filters to residents but it turns out that those filters aren't working.

We've seen a similar fiasco in Flint Michigan, also majority Black, which has been run by Democrats since 1974.

Can you imagine what the #FakeNews media would be saying if a Republican Mayor allowed this sort of disaster to occur?

To be fair these problems aren't due to racism but to the general lack of concern of Democrat politicians for the people. What matters to Democrat politicians is their ability to control our lives-- how much soda we drink, what sort of bags we use for shopping, ensuring that men can use women's bathrooms etc-- not the quality of our lives.

The reality is that Democrats make bad mayors; if you doubt that just ask the nearly 3000 Blacks shot in Chicago each and every year.

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