Sunday, January 19, 2020

The First Article of impeachment is a declaration by Democrats that they are above the law

The First Article of impeachment condemns Trump for supposedly daring to ask Ukraine to investigate whether Joe Biden sold US foreign policy for money.

Aside from the fact that the Democrats haven't been able to find one first hand witness who says that Trump ever threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine-- in fact their "star" witness said that Trump specifically told him that he, Trump, didn't want any quid pro quo and all the Ukrainians said that they had never heard of a quid pro quo-- the idea that somehow the sons of Democrat candidates can't be investigated for corruption is not something one finds in the law.

Using the Democrats reasoning any investigation into any of Trump's children would be impermissible as well. But clearly they don't believe that.

But we have direct proof that Democrats do fully support the right of Democrats to ask foreign powers to interfere in US elections.

Example 1:  Three Democrat Senators wrote a threatening letter to the Ukraine demanding the Ukraine reopen investigations into people associated with Trump or else.  Apparently quid pro quo's are fine if the objective is to get dirt on Republicans.

Example 2: Democrats are doing everything possible to help illegal aliens vote in US elections.  In California for example illegal aliens can get drivers licenses. When one applies for a drivers license in California one is asked if one wants to register to vote.  If an illegal alien lies and tells the computer he's a citizen he isn't required to provide any proof of citizenship nor does the government check to make sure he wasn't lying.  If encouraging foreign nationals to vote in our election isn't asking for foreign interference in our elections nothing is.

Oh and of course there is a quid pro quo.  Democrats count on the illegal aliens to vote Democrat because Democrats bribe them to do so.  For example Democrats in California just passed a new tax on Americans which is used to fund free healthcare for illegal aliens.  Similarly Democrats in California have made it that illegal aliens, even though they don't pay state taxes, get in state tuition rates at California colleges something that Americans from other states don't get.

Example 3: In an open mic moment we discovered that Obama asked Putin to help him get reelected in 2012 and in exchange Obama would do things that Putin wanted; like cancel an antiballistic missile defense system in Europe.

Example 4: Hillary Clinton paid a British citizen to pay Russians, who may have been under the control of Putin, for lies about Trump and then used those lies in the 2016 campaign.  The idea that a British spy whose identity was known to the Russian security forces could get dirt on Trump from dozens of Russians without Putin's police finding out is absurd.  Hence odds are that Putin not only approved of the lies but actually helped orchestrate them.

In this case the quid pro quo was the fact that Putin knew that Hillary had pretty much let him do what he wanted whereas Trump was an unknown.  Given that Trump has been much harder on Putin than Hillary or Obama ever were it's clear that Putin wanting to help Hillary makes a lot of sense.

These reveals the absurdity and hypocrisy of the Democrats First Article of impeachment.

Essentially Democrats are saying that foreign interference is fine so long as it helps Democrats get more power.  One more example of how Democrats want to rule over us not represent us.

But the First Article of impeachment also declares that Democrats are above the law and can be as corrupt as they like without any punishment.

The evidence is clear that the Biden family used Joe Biden's position to rake in millions of dollars from a corrupt Ukrainian energy company, Burisma:

  • Obama put Joe Biden in charge of our Ukraine policy
  • Burisma hired Hunter Biden, Joe's son, who had no experience in the energy sector
  • Burisma paid Hunter around $3.1 million
  • A Ukraine prosecutor started investigating Burisma's corrupt business practices
  • Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in US aid to Ukraine unless Ukraine fired that prosecutor
  • The prosecutor was fired and the investigation into Burisma was dropped

Yet the Democrats First Article of impeachment is saying that despite that asking Ukraine to investigate if anything untoward happened is grounds for nullifying the 2016 election.

Essentially the Democrats are criminalizing investigating Democrat corruption.

If instead of involving the Bidens the exact same evidence existed about the Trumps we all know that Democrats would be demanding that the Trumps be in jail.

Clearly the entire premise of the First Article of Impeachment is nothing less than that Democrats are above the law and that Democrats have a veto power over who we the people can elect as President.

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