Wednesday, January 8, 2020

A movie showing why Germany isn't green

Germany has wasted over 1 trillion euros pursuing the "green" energy myth.

Part of that myth required Germany to get rid of its nuclear power facilities since leftist environmentalists hate nuclear even more than they hate hydroelectric power even though both are highly efficient carbon free energy sources.

The folks at PowerLineBlog found this great movie showing how green various European countries were over the course of 2019.  The greener a country is on the map the lower the countries carbon intensity.

What you'll note is that Germany tends to be brown a lot.  Poland is always brown because they're not idiots and they proudly use coal all the time. But the reason that Germany is flickering brown so much is that when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine, below the clouds at least, Germany has to switch to fossil fuels to keep the lights on.

That's the great big lie that climate alarmists are always telling you; that somehow magically either the wind is always blowing and the sun is always shining or somehow we can make batteries that can store all the extra power for when it's dark and still.

Neither position is in any way accurate.  It would take more than 100 years to produce enough batteries to provide backup for the US for example and in Minnesota in the winter the sun is usually hidden and while the wind seems to always be blowing it really isn't.

"Green" energy might work for Arizona but not for most of America.

Hence if we're going to go "green" we still need a massive fossil fuel based energy infrastructure which costs as much as our current infrastructure.

What about the countries that are green in this movie? They use nuclear and hydroelectric power.  Climate alarmists hate nuclear because they don't understand it and they're scared of it. Alarmists hate hydroelectric because dams hurt nature, just like controlled burns in forests, and alarmists will always put nature ahead of people.

Climate change isn't just unscientific it's a big lie to steal from you and have you turn over your freedom to the government.

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