Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Bernie Sanders organizer says that Soviet Gulags were great

Once again Project Veritas has shed light on the dark reality lying under leftists in America.

The Democrat base that supports openly communist Bernie Sanders aren't good hard working union members; they're often fascist monsters who condemn Nazi's while advocating fascist policies.

Due to a leftist public education system many young Americans don't know about the Soviet Gulags.

The Communists killed nearly 100,000,000 innocent people in the 20th century alone as part of there program to create a "perfect" communist state.  The Soviet Gulags were designed to punish political dissidents through forced labor and inhumane living conditions.

Roughly 25 million people were put in these camps or related relocation programs with about 1.5 million dying.

They were horrible places where the ruling elites made money by exploiting the free labor of political dissidents. The Gulags were effectively identical to the forced labor policies used by the Nazi's were Jews and people from all over Europe were forced into slavery to keep the Nazi war machine running.

But the Bernie Sanders organizer thinks that they were great.  What's truly amazing is that that organizer probably condemns the detention centers where the US puts people caught trying to break our immigrant laws and who refuse to return to Mexico.

This is the mind of the left; the Gulags were good because they helped crush any desire by the people to be free while detention centers are bad because even though they don't make the detainees work or mistreat them they stop the US being overrun by people who will tend to vote for Democrat tyranny.

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