Wednesday, January 8, 2020

All you need to know about Democrats: Pelosi attacks Trump and ignores/defends Iran

Trump killed a mass murdering terrorist leader who happened to be a key member of the fascist theocratic gay killing regime that runs Iran.

Pelosi and almost all Democrat's politicians first thought is to attack Trump and go along with the #FakeNews media's pity party for Iran.  The #FakeNews media covered the funeral of Soleimani with more respect than they would cover the funeral of Trump if he died today.

Pelosi and the Democrats constantly ignore the fact that this whole chain of events began with Iran killing an American.  That led to Trump retaliating against the Iranian backed militia which killed the American which in turn led to the Iranians ordering their Iraqi stooges to attack the US embassy in Iraq.

To listen to the Democrats Trump just woke up one morning and said "Hey let's kill a senior foreign military official today".

The insanity of the Democrats is clear when one considers that Elizabeth Warren originally called Soleimani a murderer but her base was so upset she now talks about him as a "senior foreign military leader".

Trump isn't a super genius from outer space but one has to give him credit for getting Democrat politicians to show what they really believe.

Good Americans can disagree on what role America should play in the Middle East, though remember that when Obama precipitously pulled all US forces out of Iraq ISIS was created, while still agreeing that Islamic terror is wrong which means that killing terrorist masterminds who've killed Americans is a good thing is something we should all agree on.

And most of America does; just not Democrat politicians, the #FakeNews media, and the core Democrat base.

Clearly Pelosi doesn't care about Americans killed by Iran. All she sees is a way to attack Trump.

The clear take away from all this is that the number one priority for Nancy, Ilhan, AOC, Tlaib, etc is getting power over we the people for themselves. They don't give a gosh darn about what happens to us so long as they can tell us how to live and ensure that our daughters have to share bathrooms and lorckerrooms with men.

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