Tuesday, September 11, 2018

What 9/11 tells us about the Left

In the immediate aftermath of the worst terrorist attack on America even leftists acted as though they were patriotic.

But before long the mask fell off and we saw how the left views America.

First we were told by the left that Islam was a religion of peace even though if one surveys the world one finds Muslims behind pretty much every aggressive or oppressive conflict ranging from terrorism to the oppression of Christians in Muslim majority countries.

Conservatives declare that Islam is a religion of war based on the Quran and the history of Islamic expansion through military force not voluntary conversion.  Conservatives however also recognize that not all Muslims, especially those living in the US, are violent.

When the left gained power in the person of Barrack Obama the Global War on Terror was rebranded as "Overseas contingency operations" and terrorist attacks were called "workplace violence".

Essentially the left wants to defend Islam no matter what.  Given that the vast majority of Americans are Christians and that Obama, and the left in general, constantly attack Christians and the First Amendment while simultaneously defending radical Islam it's fair to say that the left is inherently anti-American.

Can you imagine how the US would have responded to 9/11 if the left had been in power?  Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world today.  The ruling Iranian tyrants call for the annihilation of Israel and the US on a regular basis.  Yet Obama gave Iran billions of dollars, greenlit their development of nuclear weapons--just asking them to wait until he was out of office--, and worked hard to make Iran the power that controlled the Middle East.

Hence it's reasonable to assume that if the left had been running America in 2001 there would have been no liberation of Afghanistan, no destruction of the terrorist camps run by al Qaida, and no clear message to the world that attacks on America will result in unbearable consequences.  Rather our leftist leaders would have been apologizing to the world for 9/11 because it was caused by what the left perceives as the "sins" of America.

We know that's what the left would have done because they weren't shy about saying that it was America's support for Israel that caused 9/11.  That's right the left blames the US support for the only functional democracy in the Middle East for 9/11. Leftists say that 9/11 is not the fault of radical Islam or the terrorists who killed 3000 Americans just as in the eyes of the left rapists and murders aren't at fault; it's society which is to blame for forcing criminals to commit crimes.

The bias for Islam by the left is bizarre in that Islam in that Islam calls for the killing of gays and the subjugation of women.  Given that the left is supposedly pro-gay and pro-women it doesn't make sense.

But when we look at what the left wants versus what it says we can see that the left hates both gays and women.  When gays were dying left and right due to AIDS conservatives called for gays to abandon their massively promiscuous lifestyle but the left told gays to keep being promiscuous. Why?  Because the left supports gays not because they care about gays but because the left wants society to become massively promiscuous.  If one loves gays one has to condemn their unhealthy lifestyle just as if one loves smokers one has to try to get them to stop smoking.

As to women the left supports abortion, which has significant negative physical and psychological impacts on women, and contraception, which has women taking potent and carcinogenic chemicals, because they enable men to objectify women and use them as objects without fear of long term consequences.  The men who really love women marry them and stick with them for life.  The left is about hook ups and the casual exploitation of women.  That's why the #MeTo movement, which was initially launched to attack Trump, has mainly caught leftists.

This isn't surprising. The left also says that it supports Blacks while ignoring the mass shootings of Blacks in Democrat run cities.  If thousands of whites were shot each year in Chicago you can be sure that the leftists running the city would be doing more than trying to keep honest citizens from having guns.

Seeing how the left has responded to 9/11 is like an x-ray showing what the left actually supports versus what they say they support.

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