Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Left's Matrix

All leftist policies are bad for the majority of Americans.  Hence the only way to get Americans to adopt leftist policies are to lie about them and to impose them through dishonest judges.

The #FakeNews media works hard to create an alternate reality based on fake facts, a Matrix, for the average American. In that alternate, bizzaro, world lies are truth and leftist policies make sense.

An example of this is the big lie that Kavanaugh said that all birth control pills really caused abortions.  This was a very obvious intentional lie since Democrat Senator Kamala Harris deliberately edited Kavanaugh's comments to hide the fact that Kavanaugh was saying that a group involved in a case before him, not he himself, had said that birth control can often cause abortions.

Hillary has just retweeted that false claim.  It may be that she knew it was a lie and didn't care or it may be because in the leftist #FakeNews Matrix she didn't hear the truth.

Interestingly it's in fact true that many types of birth control pills actually kill an unborn child as opposed to stopping conception.  This has increased over time.  Originally the Pill was designed to prevent conception and the chances of it killing an already conceived daughter were low.  But it turned out that the chemical that prevented conception dramatically increased the risk of life threatening health problems for women.  To protect the adult women drug companies changed the formulation so that there was less of the chemical that prevented conception and more of the chemical that killed an unborn child.  As a result many forms of oral contraception have become more likely to be killing the unborn than preventing conception.

This whole story is an example of the lies that the #FakeNews media spread in order to convince people that the views of the left aren't horrible.

We can fight this Matrix by telling everyone we know the truth.

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