Sunday, September 9, 2018

How all illegals vote

In America today all illegals effectively vote.

The census used to define how many seats each state gets in the House of Representatives is based on the total number of people--citizens, non-citizens, and illegals-- in the state.

That way welfare magnets like California get extra seats in the House because the illegals who flock there are counted the same as US citizens.

What this does is dilute the vote of people in states with few illegals because it takes more citizens to get a House seat in those states than is required in a state where there are lots of illegals.

Right now each seat in the House represents about 700K people.  One source says that there are around 2,500,000 illegals in California today.  That means that California is getting 3 extra seats in the House.

It's time to stop counting illegals for the purpose of representation.

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