Wednesday, September 26, 2018

It's a lie; there are no statements corroborating Ford's claims about Kavanaugh

While the #FakeNews media will probably lie about it the release of statements that Ford's lawyers say corroborate her claims do nothing of the sort.

All four of these statements say nothing more than that decades after the event Ford talked to these people about the supposed event.

First a corroboration is something that a witness provides.  Yet we know that every single witness identified by Ford, including a life long female friend, have denied her claims.  Women who have gone to prison for lying about being attacked have also talked to other people about being attacked.  Statements by others saying that a woman who is making a claim talked about making a claim have no more weight than her basic claim.

Even more importantly however all of these statements are about conversations that occurred after the possibility of Kavanaugh being on the Supreme Court was raised back in 2012.

For decades Ford never mentioned the alleged event but then all of a sudden when Kavanaugh might get on the Supreme Court Ford started talking.  That's fully consistent with Ford lying in order to keep the Supreme Court a servant of the left but very inconsistent with a real victim.

Remember Ford is a professor of psychology. As part of her training she'd been psychoanalyzed.  But she didn't mention this alleged life altering event during those sessions. Further as a psychologist it would make sense that she'd use a professional to help her get over the trauma she claims she suffered.  Yet she herself says that she never reached out for help.

Either she's a psychologist who doesn't believe in psychology or she's not being entirely honest.

When the #FakeNews media and the Democrats howl about these statements remember they are the same people who said that Juanita Broderick's claim that Bill Clinton raped her, supported by the fact that she discussed the rape with her friends not decades after the event but at the time the rape occurred, was irrelevant.

That's right; statements made by a victim at the time of the assault mean nothing to the Democrats when they involve Bill Clinton but statements made by the "victim" decades after the alleged event when the "victim" had a strong political motivation to lie do.

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