Saturday, September 1, 2018

Farrakhan; more proof that Democrat politicians are racists

At Aretha Franklin's funeral Louis Farrakhan, noted racist and anti-semite, stood shoulder to shoulder with former President Clinton, Jesse Jackson, and Al--I don't need to pay my taxes like the rest of you--Sharpton.

Farrakhan hates white people and is very willing to declare that white people should all die.

Farrakhan hates Jews who he blames for most of the worlds ills.

Even the ultra liberal SPLC condemns Farrakhan's hate filled "religion".

But Democrats feel perfectly comfortable sharing a stage with him.

Can you imagine if Trump stood next to a real white supremacist?  But since Democrat politicians are fascists at heart as well as being racists they feel perfectly comfortable sharing a stage with a racist anti-Semite who has praised Adolf Hitler and who opposes interracial marriage.

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