Saturday, September 22, 2018

Leftist's view themselves as gods

A key feature of a god is that they can convert their will into reality.  While this is most profoundly expressed in the one True God Jesus Christ it can be seen in other deities.

We see the left claiming that same ability on multiple issues.

For example we're told that because Christine Blasey Ford says that she was raped she was raped.  There is no need for corroboration and men who contradict her are by definition wrong.

Another example are the transgendered.  The Left tells us that if a man says he's a woman he is a woman.  The man's will actually alters his biologically defined identity.

Given that leftists constantly proclaim that they know more than the rest of us and that they should have the power to run every aspect of our lives the left's tendency to confuse themselves with gods is not entirely surprising.

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