Saturday, September 29, 2018

We're living in Iran

In Iran there is a functioning democracy with elections and a government that can do what the people want.  However there is also a group of mad mullah's who can override that government and insure that what the theocrats want is done and what the people want is ignored.

We have the same situation here in America.  No matter what the people want, as expressed by their votes, the Supreme Court can ignore them and impose what the judges want on the people.

For example because the rich lawyers who rule us from their lofty perches on the Supreme Court felt that abortion should be legal for any reason at any time during pregnancy they made it so even though that overturned the laws of all 50 states.

Similarly even though uber blue state California, and 50,000,000 Americans overall, had voted to keep the millennia old definition of marriage the Court in it's august wisdom redefined marriage to cater to the 2% of Americans who are gay.

We haven't been a free people since the 1960s when the Supreme Court decided that it wasn't constrained to interpreting the law as the law was intended by those who wrote and ratified it.  Instead a majority of the Court has dishonestly decided that they can determine what our laws should be and then they impose their belief on us under the guise of interpreting the "living" Constitution.

People often talk about conservative and liberal judges but that's the wrong terminology. There are only honest and dishonest judges.  Honest judges interpret the law in light of what it actually says and  what the intent of those who passed it was while dishonest judges decide what the law should be and then mash together some words to transform what the law really is into what they want it to be.

For example there is no right to privacy in the Constitution; that's something that the dishonest judges made up.  But even if there were a right to personal privacy it can't give a woman the right to kill her children.

The Democrats are doing anything to stop Kavanaugh for the same reason that the mad mullah's running Iran will do anything to stay in power; without dishonest judges on the Supreme Court to impose their agenda on the people Democrats won't be able to force the people to do what the Democrats want.

The only example of Democrats actually getting people to support their agenda was the institution of the welfare state.  Coddling criminals, legalizing pornography, legalizing abortion for any reason at any point in a pregnancy, and redefining marriage, to name a few, were all imposed on the people. Hence it's not surprising that Democrats will tell any lie in order to ensure that the Court stays dishonest.

That's why the same Democrats who told us that Bill Clinton raping a woman when he was Attorney General of Arkansas didn't matter are now telling us that an uncorroborated, refuted, account of Kavanaugh attacking, but not raping, a woman when he was 17 is enough to keep him off the Supreme Court.

But we the people need to hold the Democrats responsible for the destruction of our Republic and we need to support Kavanaugh so that the Democrats will have to convince the people of the wisdom of Democrat policy instead of just relying on the Supreme Court to force Americans to dance to the Democrats tune.

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