Thursday, January 3, 2019

Democrat;the party of murder

As one of their first acts after taking control of the Housethe Democrats are asking for more money for abortion; especially for brown babies in the Third World.

Democrats are constantly telling us how people—other than themselves of course—are the problem; especially brown people in other countries. They believe that people are the problem; well at least brown people. Hence the way Democrat politicians address the problem of international poverty is to eliminate as many people, who are people of color, as they can by abortion.

Under Republican Presidents and Republican Congresses it’s illegal to spend taxpayer dollars to exterminate brown babies overseas. Whenever Democrats have power they work hard to eliminate those whom they consider to be undesirables by funding abortion in Third World countries.

This is fully consistent with how Democrats treat Blacks in America. Thousands of Blacks are shot each year in Democrat run cities like Chicago but Democrats never talk or do anything about it.

Similarly even though Democrat politicians know that Black women are three times as likely to kill their unborn child than white women and that Planned Parenthood, which was founded by a racist, targets minority women for abortions those Democrats want more money for abortion and Planned Parenthood.

Democrat's are constantly declaring that differences in outcomes are signs of racism.  For example if there are fewer Blacks who are brain surgeons than there should be based on the percentage of Americans who are Blacks Democrats say it's racism even if Blacks for example were to tend to apply more to be obstetricians or cardiologists.

Abortiuon has reduced the Black population in America by 25%. Given that Black women are 3 times as likely to abort as white women then if we use the Democrats reasoning then abortion must be racist; perhaps that's why Jesse Jackson has called abortion genocide against Black people.  But given that it's Democrats who support abortion for any reason at any time in pregnancy then that must mean, using the Democrats logic, that Democrats are racist.

Needless to say Democrats deny that.  But their denials ring hollow given that there are no major Democrat party figures who say that they want abortion to be legal but that we need to address this huge anti-Black disparity.

The silence by the Democrats on this issue is just one more sign of their racism.

Tell your friends that a top Democrat priority is using taxpayer dollars to abort brown babies overseas.  That might wake up some Democrat voters who are unaware of this because the #FakeNews media doesn't report on it honestly.

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