Saturday, August 18, 2018

The leftist social media giants want to censor us; time for Congress to fix the problem.

Under the law the social media platforms are platforms not publishers. That's necessary because if they were publishers, who control the content they present, they could be sued if content was posted that was libelous.

That's fine but the problem now is that the social media platforms are censoring speech they don't like.  Which makes them publishers because they control what is showing up on their platforms.

Some libertarians or old school conservatives correctly say that since the social media platforms aren private businesses they can censor to their hearts content. They say that involving the government would be bad.

Which is true if by involving the government we give the government control of what can and can't be posted.

However if the government simply informs FB, Twitter, etc that if they have decided to become publishers who control the content on their platforms then they are liable for everything that they allow to appear.

To preserve public order we'll let them censor anything that is directly criminal; someone could say that they hate Catholics but they could be censored if they posted that Catholics should be murdered.

To date censoring voices they don't like hasn't cost the left wing folk who own and run social media platforms anything.  But if they have to choose between opening them up for lawsuits over every lie some left wing wacko posts and being able to silence voices they don't like it's likely they'll choose to avoid bankruptcy and stop censoring conservatives.

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