Friday, August 17, 2018

Democrats declare that Nazi's and the KKK aren't racist

For awhile now the left has been saying that minorities can't be racist because racism requires the power to oppress the people you hate.

This was most recently invoked to say that Sarah Jeong isn't racist even though she clearly hates white people because Asian American's don't have any power.  Which when you think about it is kinda insulting to the Asian American members of Congress, various state legislatures, and local Asian American politicians.

The Leftists "reason" that even though some Blacks hate white people because they are white those Blacks are not racist because they don't have power over whites.  Of course given that we had a Black president for 8 years and there are plenty of Black politicians at all levels of government, as well as a Supreme Court justice, it would seem that the left is saying that those Black politicians are so incompetent that they have no ability to influence what the government does.

Given that the definition of racism is hating or believing a given race is inferior saying that one has to have power to be racist is crazy talk.

We can see this if we note that today in America White nationalists and the KKK, as well as Nazis, have no power. There are no KKK politicians or police chiefs and the pitiful handful of racist white nationalists couldn't swing the election for a dog catcher.

But if racism requires power then the KKK, White nationalists, and the Nazis can't be racist since they have no power.

Leftists try and work around this by saying that whites in general have power.  But that's saying that white racists can be racists even though they have no power just because other non-racist whites have power.  Since the whole point of the left's argument is that racism requires the power to discriminate the fact that whites who are racist don't have the power to discriminate means that if we use the left's definition they, the KKK et al, can't be racist.

If you run into any nutter who is trying to peddle this nonsense get them to explain to you how the powerless KKK can be racist if racism requires power.

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