Thursday, August 2, 2018

Acosta doesn't get it; misleading the people with #FakeNews makes the left wing press the enemy of the people

Jim Acosta boy reporter for CNN, the network that's allergic to the truth, is upset that people in the Administration don't like the press. He tweeted:

I walked out of the end of that briefing because I am totally saddened by what just happened. Sarah Sanders was repeatedly given a chance to say the press is not the enemy and she wouldn't do it. Shameful.

Given that Jim and his homies have been attacking Trump non-stop since he was nominated it seems odd that Acosta is so lacking in reasoning skills that he wouldn't realize that attacking someone constantly, especially when you're wrong most of the time, does not engender friendship.

To see how clueless Acosta is he went also said the following:

They believe in their heart of hearts that the journalists who cover this White House, the journalists who work in this city, who were just trying a few moments ago to hold some of these officials accountable about attacks on our democracy, that the people here who work at this White House, all the way up to the president, evidently believe that journalists are the enemy of the people. Literally, the enemy of the people.

So in the same breath where he asks how the Trump administration could be bothered by reporters he says that those same reporters are "...just trying a few moments ago to hold some of these officials accountable about attacks on our democracy...".  Is it possible to be this unaware?  If Acosta was talking about Russian hacking sans collusion what does he mean by saying that "journalists" want to hold White House officials accountable about attacks that Russia did on their own? How can he hold Trump administration officials accountable for actions done by Russia when Obama was President? "Journalists" who are saying that Trump's perfectly legal actions are "attacks on our democracy" or that Trump colluded when there is no evidence for that are the enemy of the people because they're telling the people things that aren't true. Remember the WaPo says that "Democracy dies in darkness" so even the WaPo agrees that when "journalists" give the people #FakeNews they're acting as the enemy of our democracy.

Trump has never said all the press is the enemy of the people, he clearly doesn't think Fox or Rush are, he's only said the media that lies to the people is the enemy of the people.

You'd think that would be self evidently true but apparently Acosta either doesn't realize that he's constantly misinforming the people or he thinks when he misinforms America it's for some greater good.

"Journalists" who never said a word when Obama did attack our democracy but who now declare that  any and everything Trump does is an attack on our democracy even though it never is are in fact the enemy of the people.

During the Obama administration Acosta class "journalists" lied either by omission or commission about every dirty action of the Obama administration.  They did everything they could to keep the American people in the dark about what was really going on.

Now during the Trump administration they're doing the same. Trump has turned around the economy and brought about growth that Obama said was impossible. If Obama had done this the Acosta corp would have been asking the Pope to declare Obama to be a saint. But since it's Trump they either ignore it or downplay it.

After over a year of no evidence of collusion other than a Democrat paid for dossier whose author has admitted in court contains not a single verified piece of intelligence the Acosta corp continues to attack Trump and breathlessly declare week in and week out that Trump will be frog marched out of the White House at any minute.

When one week's #FakeNews claim is shown to be bogus they just move on to a new one.  You know how desperate they are when they cite Mueller's looking into Trump's tweets for evidence of some vile deed.

It doesn't matter to us why Acosta and his ilk spread lies because our response is independent of his motivation.

We need to counter his lies to everyone we can by spreading the truth.

But it's also true that whatever Acosta's problem is he's a deeply wounded human being who needs our prayers.  

So the good news is that no matter what's wrong with Acosta our answer is the same; we pray for him and we refute the #FakeNews he is constantly spewing.

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