Saturday, August 18, 2018

Democrats politicians being honest; they really do hate America

For a long time Democrat politicians have lied about liking America even as they work hard to reshape America into something completely different.

Governor Cuomo's recent admission that in his mind America was never really great--tell that to the Jews who weren't killed in the Holocaust, or the South Koreans who, unlike North Koreans, have food to eat-- isn't a sign of a new perspective on the part of Democrat politicians.

It was just a slip of the tongue, like Obama's comment about how people cling to guns and religion when they're afraid, that reveals what he really thinks.

Every leftist policy that modern Democrat politicians like Cuomo support is designed to fundamentally change America from a free country with a strong moral compass into a hedonistic tyranny.

America was founded on the idea that every human being had the right to life yet Democrats have pushed hard to ensure that the unborn, the handicapped, and the elderly can be executed if they are not "wanted".  To Democrats the idea that all human life is of value is an abomination.  Now it is true that they care intensely for animals since they advocate jailing people for hurting dogs while demanding that killing the unborn in the most gruesome manner is a Constitutional right.

American law is based on the Ten Commandments.  Yet Democrats constantly condemn anyone who takes God seriously and demand that the law only reflect the relative situational morality of leftists.  To Democrat politicians any restriction on pure hedonism, whether it be casual sex or drug use, makes America less than it could be.

Democrats are starting to admit what we've known all along; they don't support free speech. The ACLU has admitted that some speech shouldn't be protected and the left in general is saying that any speech they don't like, which they arbitrarily label hate speech, shouldn't be allowed.  Democrat politicians were slow to condemn Antifa violence which shut down free speech for example.

Because the modern Democrat politician is all about hedonism, casual sex, and general irresponsibility they demand that everyone bow down to their "gods".  If anyone dare say what all civilized countries have believed in the history of the world, that marriage is between a man and a woman, Democrat politicians demand that they be punished for their "heresy".  The Puritans and the Inquisition have nothing on the modern witch hunts run by the left wing propaganda machine, i.e. the #FakeNews media, in terms of using violence to oppress any faith other than their own.

Under Obama we saw how Democrat politicians view the US as a source of evil in the world. That's why Democrats are constantly trying to weaken the military. It's not just so they can get more money to buy votes with; they honestly think that America--not Iran, or North Korea, or China--is the problem. This isn't new. During the Cold War when the mass murdering Soviet Union was trying to conquer the world Democrats said that Ronald Reagan, not the dictators that ran the Soviet Union, was the problem.

After the late 1960's it's hard to find a Democrat politician who believed in America.

So when it comes time to vote in the fall remember that Democrat politicians hate America as it is and want to dramatically change it.

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