Thursday, November 1, 2018

Voting for a Democrat, any Democrat, means...

No matter what they say they will do when they campaign every Democrat votes in lockstep with Pelosi and Schumer; their first loyalty is to their party.

So here's what a vote for any Democrat will lead to:

Higher taxes
Impeaching Trump--reason? we don't need no stinking reason
Open borders
Welfare for life for anyone who can sneak into the country
Taxpayers paying for abortion around the world
Weaker defense
Supporting Iran over Israel
Making nuns cooperate in providing abortions
Making Christians provide support for gay weddings
Reinstating the "fairness" doctrine to censor Rush
End to all investigations into government corruption
End to all investigations into the misuse of government authority against conservatives
Citizenship for anyone who doesn't live here who can make it here
Massive increase in government regulations
Drastic reduction in GDP growth--a person with a job is not beholden to the Democrats and that's bad
Support for violence by Antifa
Support for mobs attacking Republicans
Aiding the tech giants in censoring conservative speech
Continued mass shootings of Blacks in Democrat run cities
Cutting short the prison sentences of drug dealers
Cutting short the prison sentences of crooks even if they had a gun when they were breaking the law
Banning gun ownership through complex and impossible to follow regulations
Gun confiscation
Ending any attempt to stop voter fraud
Do everything possible to make voter fraud easier
Activist judges who believe they can make laws
Embracing the "living" Constitution which means whatever Democrats want it to mean

There are plenty more bad things that Democrats will work for but this is a good starting list.

No matter what a Democrat says when they're running for office they will vote with Schumer and Pelosi; we saw that in the Kavanaugh and Obamacare votes.

The above list is what Schumer and Pelosi stand for so that's what every Democrat will vote for.

If you want to stay free, if you want to have a great economy, if you want America to defend its borders vote for Republicans only next Tuesday.

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