Thursday, November 1, 2018

The real anti-semites

If a Democrat politician or media flunky says that Democrats are good because of Y it's a near certainty that not only don't Democrats support Y they in fact do their best to do the opposite of Y.

For example Democrats are constantly telling everyone how they love Black people and that all Republicans are racists.

Yet every year, year after year, thousands of Black people are shot in cities run by Democrats and those Democrats do nothing to change things.  We all know though that if suddenly 4000 white people were shot in Chicago one year that those same Democrats would be doing something to end the horror.

Meanwhile Trump and other Republicans are calling for something to be done to end the horrible plight of inner city Blacks in places like Chicago.

Similarly Republicans were much more civil to Obama than Democrats were to Black people who dared to leave the Democrat intellectual plantation; people like Candice Owens, Kanye, Justice Thomas, and Ben Carson.

The reality then is that in direct opposition to their claim that they love Black people the actions of Democrats show that in fact they couldn't care less about Black people.

The same is true of Jews.  We're told by the Democrats and their #FakeNews media allies that Trump is responsible for the shooting of Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue. This despite the fact that we know that the shooter, the guy who is actually responsible, hated Trump because he thought that Trump was controlled by Jews.

It's unclear to reasonable people but apparently obvious to Democrats how a man the shooter hated could be responsible for the shooters actions but then that's Democrat logic for you.

Given that Trump is the guy who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, sided with Israel rather than Iran, and who hasn't done a single anti-semitic thing that anyone can point to it's easy to understand how an virulent anti-semite like the shooter could hate him but near to impossible to understand how an honest Democrat could blame Trump for the shooting.

On the other hand Democrats ranging from members of the Congressional Black Caucus to Ben & Jerry, of the ice-cream empire, who have no problem associating with Louis Farrakhan who calls Jews "termites".

Twitter allowed the video of Farrakhan making that comparison to stay up for a long time so they apparently don't see any obvious problem with anti-semitism.

Now of course the anti-semitism of the Democrat party doesn't make them responsible for the shooting but given that Democrats never blame the killer, unless he's a Democrat, it's unclear how they can honestly blame Trump and not blame themselves.

But then honesty has never been an attribute of the left since if they were honest no one would vote for them outside of San Francisco and NYC.

This whole sorry episode proves that once again if Democrats claim to be for something good odds are they're really against it.

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