Monday, November 19, 2018

McRaven, McCain and the respect owed to veterans

When they were younger the Democrats who today are castigating Trump for not being nicer to McRaven were spitting on US soldiers returning from Vietnam. John Kerry was calling his fellow soldiers murderous monsters.

Yet now those same Democrats are all upset that Trump dared critique McRaven.  All Trump said was that it would have been better if McRaven had gotten bin Laden sooner.

Now Trump was wrong in that McRaven wasn't responsible for finding bin Laden since that was the job for the intelligence community.  However there are grounds to wonder why bin Laden wasn't captured instead of killed in order to get valuable intelligence from him.  Perhaps it was unsafe for the SEAL team to capture him or perhaps there wasn't a viable egress plan for a live captive but none the less it's a legitimate question to ask.

In any case it's not like Trump said, as Democrats have, that all veterans are monsters and baby killers as many Democrats have.

The reason for the Democrat's faux outrage is of course that McRaven is a left wing Democrat who is either very stupid or deliberately lying about Trump.

McRaven said that Trump declaring that the #FakeNews media who lie to Americans every single day is "...perhaps the greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime.".  Either McRaven is acting as though he's unaware that Trump isn't talking about all reporters or he's honestly unaware of what Trump is really saying.

Further when we know that the IRS targeted the political opponents of President Obama, that Al Franken was elected through voter fraud, and that the entire power of the US intelligence community was used to spy on Trump's campaign in service of the Democrat party using a fake dossier based on anonymous Russian sources paid for by Hillary Clinton an honest, or intelligent, man wouldn't declare that Trumps bluster, which is not backed up by the sort of censorship that Democrats love to direct at conservatives, is the greatest threat to our Democracy.

Perhaps the real censorship of FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube et al is something that McRaven isn't aware of. Or perhaps he doesn't know that Democrats want to amend the 1st Amendment.  Or that Democrats have been trying to censor Rush Limbaugh and all conservative talk radio for decades.  But the simple truth is that the idea that criticizing the lying #FakeNews media is an attack on press freedom is just another Democrat Big Lie and by repeating it McRaven is showing his true colors aren't in support of robust free speech but rather in support of speech that supports Democrats.

Hence it's clear that while McRaven may have served honorably--I'm not familiar with the details of his record but I do know that promotion in the military under Obama was biased for people who were in tune with the left's views--he's now a political figure who is attacking Trump and defending the propaganda wing of the Democrat party; i.e. the #FakeNews media.

McRaven and McCain remind us that while we owe respect and gratitude for those who have served in the military military service per se doesn't make one an expert on politics.  Just ask Harry Truman about General McArthur.

So while we should thank people like McCain and McRaven for their service we have absolutely no reason to treat them with kid gloves when they enter the political fray.  Unless of course we know they're suffering from PTSD or some other ailment in which case we should treat them just like we treat any other sick person.

In any case the whole McRaven incident is an interesting example of how the party which is most often associated with hatred for the military is suddenly all a flutter over Trump saying it would have been better if McRaven had done a better job.

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