I'd listed several Obama actions that were bad. He declared that since I didn't like Obama and I did like Trump I must be a racist. I didn't make any general condemnation of Obama nor did I mention his race but the leftist declared that just because I disagreed with specific things that Obama said and did I must be racist.
Interestingly the way that leftists misuse the term racist shows that they are racists.
Racism is a horrible thing and reducing the power of accusing someone of racism by accusing everyone, except real racists, of being racist allows real racists to continue to be accepted as members of polite society.
If everyone who disagrees with Obama's policies, or to be honest any left wing policy, is a racist real racists, like Democrat Louis Farrakhan--who hates whites and Jews--or Democrat Ilhan Omar--who hates Jews--, are effectively shielded from the criticism they deserve.
To be clear in today's America racism is a nearly exclusive problem with Democrats and the left. If you doubt that ask yourself if the Democrats who run Chicago, and other major cities, where thousands of Blacks are shot each and every year would be doing nothing if thousands of white people were being shot each year?
Similarly can you imagine the outcry if Republicans talked to and about Obama the way that Democrats talk about Candice Owens, Kanye, Ben Carson, and Justice Thomas? Unless Blacks bow to the white Democrat leadership they are treated horribly.
And then of course there's the amazingly patronizing paternalistic attitude the left takes towards Blacks. According to the left without their guidance and special laws to protect them Blacks can't make it in America. Aside from the fact that Blacks have demonstrated that if they aren't forced to live in Democrat created ghettos with high crime, no jobs, and horrible schools they can succeed just as well as whites there's the fact that Japanese Americans, who were put in prison camps by Democrats during WWII, now have one of the highest per capita incomes of any ethnic group in America which shows that minorities don't need special privileges to succeed because America isn't a racist country.
It's time to start combating the #FakeNews media's lies and remind your friends that if the Democrats who run Chicago, and have done so since the 1950's, weren't racists they'd be working to make Black neighborhoods safe rather than working to get Black criminals, who prey mostly on Blacks, out of jail faster.
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