Sunday, November 4, 2018

Nancy Pelosi says that the Democrat party's values are San Francisco values; what that means.

Democrats have made California into a hell hole, unless you're a rich Democrat of course, and now Nancy Pelosi is telling us she wants to do the same to the rest of us.

The streets of San Francisco care covered with human poop.  There are copious numbers of used needles lying around as well. Apparently allowing throngs of homeless to endanger the health of everyone is a San Francisco value.

California hosts 12% of the US population but 34% of those on welfare.  Apparently income inequality and unchanging poverty are San Francisco values.

In San Francisco a 1 bedroom apartment runs, on average, $3334 a month.  Apparently unaffordable housing is a San Francisco value.

In San Francisco illegals can vote in school board elections so long as they have a child in school. Apparently open borders and citizenship for anyone who can sneak in are San Francisco values.

The Democrat running for governor in California was previously mayor of San Francisco.  When he was mayor he had an affair, while he was in the process of divorcing his wife, with a subordinate who happened to be married to one of his close associates. Apparently #MeToo isn't a San Francisco value.

San Francisco has recently voted to cut off its own water supply to spite Donald Trump.  Apparently having enough water to wash the poop off the streets and let San Franciscans take showers occasionally isn't a San Francisco value.

If the Democrats win on Tuesday they've already declared that they're going to raise your taxes, i.e. they want more of your money to spend the way they want to spend it, but now Pelosi is declaring that she wants all of America to suffer the way all but the uber rich suffer in California.  She's not just planning on taking your guns she's planning on taking your way of life.

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