Saturday, November 17, 2018

Democrats weaponize hate

A long time ago Democrats were confronted with an unintended consequences of their relentless effort to make it hard to convict criminals; Democrat protected groups, like Blacks, needed protection from the crooks that Democrats were eagerly reintroducing to society.

The solution had two elements; civil rights prosecutions which ensured that prosecutors had two shots to convict so long as the victims were Black and hate crimes which allowed more serious punishments for the same crimes so long as the criminal held views that Democrats didn't like.

Not noticed at the time introducing the idea that what a person thought, as opposed to what they did, is extremely relevant to the severity of the crime laid the foundation for the latest Democrat hate speech drive.

Currently Democrats are saying that certain speech, pretty much anything they don't like, is hate speech which is, according to the left, actual violence.  Because this speech is actual violence, just like punching someone in the face, it isn't protected by the 1st Amendment, according to the left, and must be suppressed.  In fact hate speech is so violent that it's ok to use real violence, enter Antifa stage left, to silence it.

The idea of hate speech being the same as violence is clearly insane and even Democrats don't believe it. After all they think that calling Republicans Nazis and homophobes is perfectly fine so clearly they don't believe that hate speech in general is equivalent to violence. Rather they simply pretend that speech they don't like, which rarely involves actual calls to violence or even labeling leftist with odious titles like Communist, is hate speech to justify their support of the use of violence to silence it.

But the left has been conditioned to believe that what people think is just as bad, if not worse, than what they do by the whole concept of a hate crime.  Somehow if someone beats up someone else it's not the beating that's the problem but the attackers motivation.  But if what matters most is not just the violence but the intent then it makes perfect sense that if that intent is express through speech rather than physical violence it's just as evil and just as violent.

This dishonest reasoning is great for Democrats because they also believe that minorities can't be racist; hence it's impossible for a Black person whose beating up white people because he doesn't like white people to be guilty of a hate crime since he's an oppressed minority.  The same reasoning applies to gays; gays who are beaten up by heterosexuals are victims of a hate crime but gays who target heterosexuals are not guilty of a hate crime.  Essentially the whole idea of hate speech is based on the idea that only Democrats can be the victims of hate speech and nothing Democrats say can be hate speech.

What the Democrats are trying to do is create two sets of laws in America; one if which applies to their political opponents and one to Democrats.  If a Democrat calls for violence against Republicans, as Maxine Waters has, it's not hate speech and it's not a crime but if a Republican calls for an end to violence by Democrats that's hate speech which must be suppressed.

They're getting away with it because the lap dog media lies and conceals everything the Democrats are doing from voter fraud to establishing a two tiered legal system.

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