The simple, obvious, scientific truth is that there is no
such thing as being transgendered. If you doubt that ask yourself this simple
question. If a high school boy claimed
to be Napoleon instead of a girl would any sane person think the loving
response would be to bow to him?
A boy who thinks he’s a girl is no different than a white woman who thinks
she’s black. Both are insulting, probably unintentionally in the case of the
child, those who they claim to be but aren’t.
It’s hard to imagine what someone like Ben Carson or Justice Thomas who
worked their way up from poverty think about some white girl raised in
“privilege” who claims to be Black. Given their nature they probably forgive
her but that doesn’t change the fact that the woman’s claim is an affront to
Black Americans.
Allowing a boy to claim that he’s a girl just based on his feelings is an
assault on the very nature of what it means to be a woman. It’s saying that a boy can be a girl just by
saying so. Of course that boy is just
play acting. He can never be a mother.
He can never nurse a baby. He
doesn’t have a womb. It doesn’t matter
how much surgery he has he will never ever change his DNA. One doesn’t become a vampire through dental
work and a boy does not become a girl through self-mutilation anymore than a
woman becomes a man if she has her breasts removed due to cancer.
The magnitude of the insanity surrounding the transgendered craze is shown by
how eager liberals are to reject truly settled science. We’ve known for a very long time that one’s
sex is determined by DNA, not personal opinion.
Yet the same liberals who condemn anyone who doesn’t believe in the
experimentally unverified theory of global warming…er climate change as fools
who should be jailed have no problem rejecting the very well verified theory
that our sex is defined by our DNA.
The “transgendered” craze is just the latest example of liberal’s god complex. Liberals
believe that men and woman are infinitely malleable clay in the hands of the
inspired liberal “intelligentsia”. While
liberals reject that God made them man and woman they believe that they can
transform people into whatever liberals think people should be.
In the Soviet Union liberals believed they could change the
nature of man and produce a new “Soviet” man who would gladly work for the
benefit of others and be bereft of any desire to personally benefit from the
fruits of his own labor.
Similarly liberals believe that they can run the economy and the lives of all
Americans better than anyone. Liberals
without children have no problem telling parents how they should raise their
children and liberals who’ve never run a business feel perfectly capable of
telling businessmen what they’re doing “wrong”.
Like the mad Greek gods liberals lack any concern for those whose lives they
ruin. Liberals appear to be totally
unconcerned about the impact on a 13 year old girl of having to shower with a boy. But then liberals also have no problem with
Roman Polanski raping a 13 year old so perhaps this is not example of liberal
hubris but rather an example of how liberals lack any concern for real women.
Liberals use the “transgendered” just as they use gays; as
battering rams to destroy Christian morality.
Liberals don’t care that the gay lifestyle leads to early death and
horrible diseases, AIDS etc, nor are they bothered by the fact that the
massively promiscuous gay
treats gays as sex objects to be used not as people to be loved. All that
matters to liberals is that by pushing gay “marriage” they can weaken or
destroy the historical concept of marriage as the source of children.
Similarly liberals don’t care that by pretending that people can arbitrarily
define their own gender they’re hurting people who are truly suffering. While
there is no such thing as a woman trapped in a man’s body there are people who,
for whatever reason, think they are not what they should be.
If we love those people we know that we need to help them realize how wonderful
they are as they are not agree with them that they are failures as they are and
that they must change to fix their “problem”.
Conservatives see people with gender identity confusion as people who
need our help not as tools to use to further our political agenda.
The political motivations of liberals are obvious because of
their total lack of concern about the beliefs and feelings of others. If liberals were truly caring they wouldn’t
be forcing the Little Sisters of the Poor to cooperate in providing abortion
causing drugs, they wouldn’t force Christian bakers to provide cakes for gay
“weddings”, they wouldn’t demand that 13 year old girls shower with boys, and
they wouldn’t push for more immigrants when Black unemployment is nearly twice
that of white unemployment.
But a key characteristic of the liberal God complex is that they rarely, if
ever, seek compromise. After all if you’re god everything you claim is true and
it would be wrong to water down that truth merely to avoid bothering others.
If you think about it liberals never accept compromise. To liberals it’s
essential to crush anyone who doesn’t agree with them. That’s why liberals
aren’t bothered if their all gay all the time policies destroy people’s
businesses. It’s why a liberal can say that yes raising the minimum wage will
eliminate jobs but those jobs weren’t worth keeping without ever considering that
the people who held those jobs might disagree.
Conservatives are always seeking compromise. Few conservatives, for example,
object to providing separate showering facilities for the “transgendered”.