Wednesday, September 30, 2020

What we learned in last nights debate: Some initial thoughts

 Joe Biden can't work well under pressure.  He lost his temper and called Trump names while Trump, arguing against both Wallace and Biden didn't call anyone names.

Joe Biden can be just as verbally nasty as Trump. In fact worse while Biden called Trump names last night Trump didn't call Biden names.

Joe Biden was the first to interrupt. He interrupted Trump before Trump interrupted him. Trump just used the new rule Biden had made.

Joe Biden is 100% for packing the Supreme Court. We know this because if he was against it his position wouldn't be controversial, the practice has been condemned ever since FDR first suggested it, and he said his position would be controversial.

Joe Biden will tell us any lie in order to get elected. His web site says he's for the Green New Deal, he said it was affordable--which means he's for it--but he then said he's not for it.

Joe Biden doesn't care about cops. If he did he'd have known at least one police organization that supported him.

Joe Biden will repeat lies that have been long discredited ranging from the "fine people" lie to the Trump dissed the troops lie.

Joe Biden is, at best, blind to the serious problems created by his son Hunter. By citing his son as an example of the American military Biden insulted the real troops. Hunter got in to the military at a late age because of political intervention--he had no specialized skill--and within a very short time was booted out for drug use.  That's not even remotely representative of the men and women who serve their country in our military.

Even nominally "unbiased" reporters like Wallace are 100% in the Democrat camp and believe all the elite East Coast leftists fantasies ranging from climate change--which Biden calls global warming-- to the idea that white nationalists are causing the riots not Antifa and BLM.

Joe Biden would have been destroyed if Wallace hadn't intervened and saved him on multiple occasions; is Biden going to bring Wallace along when he meets with Putin?

Joe Biden's idea of Presidential is for Republicans to stand by and nod politely while Democrats lie about them.

Joe Biden had no answer for why he'll now be able to fix problems that he's failed to fix in the last 47 years he's been in government.

Joe Biden believes he has no obligation to tell us what he will do as President; which is why he felt comfortable refusing to admit that he will support packing the Supreme Court.

Joe Biden looks and acts old and weak.  Hardly the attributes we need in a President. Unless of course the idea is to elect him and then have him resign so we have President Harris.

Joe Biden will lie to us about what he'll do in order to get elected. He said he'd never said he'd end fracking but he's on tape saying that he wants to end fracking. 

The #FakeNewsMedia will never fact check Joe and they won't even demand he say what his position is on issues where declaring his position would hurt him.


Anonymous said...

> Joe Biden is 100% for packing the Supreme Court. We know this because if he was against it his position wouldn't be controversial

It would be controversial among liberals who support it in retribution for the stolen seat.

> His web site says he's for the Green New Deal

The green new deal is a framework. He supports the concept but not the specifics AOC put out. I don't know how you still don't get this.

> is Biden going to bring Wallace along when he meets with Putin?

I do wonder what you think meetings between heads of states are like. They are nothing like a public debate.

> Joe Biden doesn't care about cops. If he did he'd have known at least one police organization that supported him

Trump doesn't have support from teacher's unions. Does that mean he doesn't care about teachers?

trinko said...

But it wouldn't be controversial for most Americans.

In any case all you're saying is that Joe might be refusing to tell us what he'd do because he's lying to his base rather than to the rest of America. Hardly seems much better.

His web site praises the GND. Don't see how you don't get that.

My point was if Biden can't hold his own against Trump what makes you think he'll be able to do so with Putin.

No it means that while Trump is for school choice and improving schools teacher's unions aren't.

Anonymous said...

> But it wouldn't be controversial for most Americans.

So? Politically he wants to keep his base happy so they donate and don't vote third party. Many democrats are much more ok with packing now that the republicans have shown how dirty they are willing to play.

> His web site praises the GND. Don't see how you don't get that.

As you've been repeatedly told. The "Green New Deal" isn't one thing. It is many things to many people.

> My point was if Biden can't hold his own against Trump what makes you think he'll be able to do so with Putin.

Because real conversations between leaders aren't formatted as debates. Real political power doesn't come from shouting or putting up with being shouted at.

> No it means that while Trump is for school choice and improving schools teacher's unions aren't.

Ah, ok well then the reason Biden has no police union endorsements is because he is for reforming the police force which will weaken the police unions.