Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Dr. Fauci shreds Woodward's claim that Trump lied about the China virus

Bob Woodward is claiming that Trump saying he was trying to avoid panicking we the people in early February about the China virus.


Do we want a President who wants us panicked?

Remember when Trump was allegedly guilty of downplaying the virus Joe Biden was saying that Trump's China travel ban was "xenophobic".  Nancy Pelosi was telling us to mingle in crowds in Chinatown.  Cuomo was telling New Yorkers they had nothing to worry about; he had things under control.

In comparison Trump telling us to not panic over a virus that will, at worst, leave 99.98% of us fine is hardly something to be angry about.

More importantly Dr Fauci has said that he didn't see any cases where Trump said anything that wasn't accurate; that is to the extent that Trump was trying to keep us calm he wasn't lying to us.

Things looked a lot grimmer at the early stages of WWII but I don't recall any of the people who are attacking Trump attacking FDR for being upbeat and positive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

> More importantly Dr Fauci has said that he didn't see any cases where Trump said anything that wasn't accurate; that is to the extent that Trump was trying to keep us calm he wasn't lying to us.

Not sure what source you are using but Trump has repeatedly made very dubious claims that COVID would "go away" on its own. E.g.

> Now, the virus that we’re talking about having to do — you know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in


> Well, I feel about vaccines like I feel about tests. This is going to go away without a vaccine

and other Trump family members have said the disease would just disappear after election day.

But Fauci himself said

> It’s not going to be over to the point of our being able to not do any mitigation until we have a scientifically sound, safe and effective vaccine

and when asked about whether it would disappear without a vaccine Fauci replied

> It’s an extraordinarily efficient virus in transmitting from one person to another. Those kinds of viruses don’t just disappear

So, yeah. More evidence Trump is a liar or a moron and that Fauci can't directly speak negatively of Trump without fear of being removed.


> Bob Woodward is claiming that Trump saying he was trying to avoid panicking we the people in early February about the China virus.

Is that a complete sentence? It's impossible to parse.