Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Joe Biden, Democrats blame Trump for their failures

Despite China's lies about COVID19 and China's threatening doctors who were trying to stem the pandemic with jail Trump warned America about the China virus in the State of the Union address and put in an early ban on travel from China to the US by non-US citizens.

Joe Biden, bought and paid for by China, condemned the travel ban as "xenophobic" and while Trump was urging caution Nancy Pelosi was urging people to go mingle with the crowds in Chinatown while Cuomo was telling New Yorkers they had nothing to worry about; he was prepared.

Currently Democrat run states have far more deaths per 100,000 than Republican run states.  In New York Cuomo, who is being praised by Democrats and the #FakeNews media, forced nursing homes to take COVID19 patients thereby causing untold thousands of unnecessary deaths.

In spite of all the facts what do Democrats say; #Trumpvirus

For three months Democrat rioters, Antifa and BLM, have been rioting across America destroying minority owned business and turning Black neighborhoods into deserts where there are no more stores.

George Floyd was killed in a Democrat run city in a Democrat run state.

Jacob Blake was shot by cops who report to a Democrat mayor.

Democrat mayors in places like Portland have allowed rioters to run free doing nothing to protect honest citizens.  But when they themselves are threatened they ensure the police protects their homes; Democrat Lightfoot the mayor of Chicago said she deserved a safe neighborhood even as thousands of Blacks are shot in Black neighborhoods in Chicago every year.

Kamala Harris urged people to contribute to a "charity" which was bailing out rioters.

Joe Biden was silent.

Yesterday a Trump supporter was murdered by Democrats.

Meanwhile Trump has been completely supportive of peaceful protests and he's sent the DOJ to investigate the cops who where involved in George Floyd's death.

Further Trump has offered Federal help to stop rioting; help which Democrat mayors and governor have proudly rejected.

In spite of all these facts what do Democrats say: #Trumpriots

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