Saturday, September 26, 2020

San Francisco Democrats hate Catholics and Christians in general

In San Francisco liquor stores were allowed to be open but churches were shut down completely for 6 months.

Clearly SF Democrats think vodka is more important than God.

Now while California has said that churches can reopen at 25% capacity SF Democrats say that only one person at a time can be in a church to pray; weed shops have no such restriction.

Archbishop of San Francisco Salvatore J. Cordileone has made the obvious point; how is a church more dangerous than a supermarket?

No one is asking for shoulder to shoulder crowds or massless masses but saying that stores can operate at 50% of capacity while churches have to operate at less than 1% of capacity is clearly religious discrimination.

SF Democrat's god is government which is why when private gyms were shut down gyms in government buildings were kept open.

There is no rational basis for restricting worship; it's just a ploy by fascist Democrats to suppress faith because religion says that government can't just do whatever it wants.

That's why more than a 1000 Catholic SF residents protested in a peaceful procession against the virulent hate promulgated by SF Democrats.

At least one study has shown that Catholic Masses celebrated using social distancing haven't been the source of any sort of COVID19 outbreak.

The hypocrisy of the Democrats is made even more evident by their support for riots and peaceful protests which involve packed crowds with no social distancing.

When you vote remember that Democrats think that your faith is just a quaint thing that they can crush if they see an opportunity to do so.

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