Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Public school uses BLM training on 7 year olds telling them that cops shoot Blacks with impunity

One Seattle area public school is having 7 year olds see video where they're taught that cops shoot Black people regularly and that they get away with it.

That's clearly absurd given that the cops involved with George Floyd's death, which may have been due to a drug overdose, were in jail within 2 days.  

The cop who Eric Holder said acted in self defense when he shot Michael Brown lost his job and had to move away.

Multiple studies have shown that innocent Blacks are no more likely to be killed by cops than innocent white people are.

In another schools online resources is a book called "A is for Activist" which is described as follows:

The book instructs students that “environmental justice is the way!,” celebrates May Day demonstrations, teaches students to demand “no justice, no peace” and “no war,” and asks students, “Are you an activist?” It also encourages students to “Agitate! Organize!” and promotes “Workers rights!” and “Union. Union yes!!” The story ends by promoting Zapatista, a far-left socialist political and militant group.

Another video teaches kids that they should "take a knee", organize a union and strike, and that "White silence = violence".

It's no wonder that Democrats hate home schooling and private schools.  Every student who goes to public schools is being indoctrinated into the extremist ideology of the Democrat party.

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