Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Public schools don't teach students about the Holocaust

A new study of Americans between the age of 18 and 39 found that 66% of them don't know that Hitler killed 6 million Jews and that 10% believe Jews caused the Holocaust.  23% said that they thought the Holocaust was a myth, or that it had been exaggerated, or that they weren't sure.

Clearly schools have been failing to teach American students about the Holocaust. What's odd is that Hitler is still viewed as a horrible person.  If there had been no Holocaust Hitler would just be one more of the many tyrants who started a war; heck he didn't stage a sneak attack on the US like the Japanese did so you'd think we'd be using Tojo as a cuss word not Hitler.

This ignorance helps explain why Democrats aren't too concerned with Iran's call to exterminate Jews and the state of Israel.

It's time we review what kids are taught in public school and take out nonsense like microagressions and put the Holocaust back in.

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