Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Most people oppose Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion for any reason at any point in a pregnancy

 You'll often see Democrats and left leaning polling companies like Pew make a big deal about how most people don't support completely repealing Roe v. Wade.

The problem is few people know what Roe v. Wade is and what it legalized.

According to a new poll that word their questions better and ask just what restrictions, if any, the respondents want on abortions we know that only 18% of Americans support abortion for any reason right up till birth.

That poll gave people 6 options to choose from. The first option says "Abortion should be available to a woman any time she wants one during her entire pregnancy". Only 18% of respondents chose that option.

That means that whether or not they know it 82% of Americans reject Roe v. Wade.

A lot of Americans mistakenly think that abortion is only for a good reason and only early on in a pregnancy, unless of course the mother's life is at risk later in her pregnancy.

The reality is that even late term abortions are mostly for non-medical reasons.  Here's what the Guttmacher institute, a highly pro-abortion think tank associated with Planned Parenthood, said were the causes for late term abortions; essentially after the unborn baby has a shot at living if delivered instead of butchered.

Other research shows that late term abortions aren't mostly due to a threat to the mother's life or the baby being "imperfect" or sick but rather for the same reason that early abortions occur.

Of all abortions only 0.3% are due to a threat to the mother life, 1.4% for other health issues including the mother being sad if she couldn't have an abortion, 0.14% for rape, and 0.01% for incest.

98+% of abortions aren't due to any of the hard cases; basically the woman had sex and then either she on her own or because of pressure from others wants to kill the child that resulted from that consensual sex.

Essentially 98+% of abortions are delayed birth control. We all know that no form of contraception is 100% successful; in fact a typical woman taking the Pill has a 40% chance of one or more unexpected pregnancies during her life.

Even worse 51% of women having abortions didn't use any contraception when they had sex so they were planning on using abortion as their "contraceptive" technique.

The reason the pro-life message resonates with voters is that few Americans think killing one's baby just because one had sex and one insists that sex must be without consequences is reasonable.

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