Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Joe Biden vilifies a 17 year old for political gain

The New York Times has made a very strong case that Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self defense when he shot 3 men after he was attacked by a mob.

We can argue about whether or not he should have been there and about whether or not he was there to help others and protect businesses but there is 0 evidence he went there with the intent of shooting anyone; ie he wasn't anything like the BLM organizer who drove her car into a crowd of Trump supporters.

Another thing there is absolutely no evidence for is that Rittenhouse is a white nationalist or white supremacist.

Keep in mind that the 3 men who Rittenhouse shot, apparently in self defense, were all white.

Yet Joe Biden used Rittenhouse's picture and said Rittenhouse was a white supremacist in one of his ads.

Apparently lying about kids is a price Biden is willing to pay to get elected.

Meanwhile while Trump condemned white supremacists in last night's debate Joe still hasn't condemned BLM or Antifa by name.

Can you trust Biden to protect you when he keeps pretending that Antifa/BLM riots don't exist but non-existent white supremecist riots do exist? 

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