Thursday, May 16, 2019

The left doesn't believe that laws apply to them: stealing abortion sign edition

A young woman,  a "feminist", stole a pro-life sign from Austin Beigel a member of the "Created Equal" pro-life group.

That's not particularly surprising; as with all leftists pro-aborts constantly destroy and deface messages they don't like in order to silence anyone who disagrees with them.

What's interesting is that the the woman walked straight towards a police officer with the stolen sign and was shocked, shocked I say, that the officer stopped and then arrested her.

The woman apparently believed that she could steal a pro-life sign with impunity because the law doesn't apply to her.  Yet it would be very unlikely that that same woman would think that a pro-lifer could steal a sign from a pro-abortion person.

Now this young college student didn't invent this attitude on her own. Rather she's the product of the leftist indoctrination that college students face.

It's the supposedly adult members of the leftists movement who are declaring that the law applies to thee but not to me.

This foolish young woman is the victim of the left's fascist attitudes.

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