Thursday, May 23, 2019

Rich white woman says Black brain surgeon is mentally crazy

Joy Behar said the following about Ben Carson:

"He's under the influence of Donald Svengali [Trump] who has already created this cult of mentally crazy people," she said. "I mean everybody who believes Donald Trump -- I believe has to look a little closer."

Can you imagine if a rich white guy said something similar about a Black man?  Yet there is no attack from the left about Behar's vicious, false, and politically motivated attack on a Black man who isn't afraid to reject what rich white leftists like Behar demand he believe in.

This is one more sign of the deep seated racism in the left.  Conservatives never use that sort of personal attack against Blacks who endorse the white left's policies. When conservatives made substantive critiques of Obama's policies people like Behar called them racists.

The reality is that Democrats believe that the role of Blacks is following the policies laid out by rich white leftists while conservatives believe that Blacks are capable of deciding what they want to support.

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