In reality you have to pay your bills. You don't expect other people to do that for you. But that's what California will be doing if it asks for a Federal Government bailout. Why should the folks in states where they elect reasonable, or at least fiscally responsible, politicians have to pay for the mistakes of California?
Sure if there's a big quake I'd expect all Americans to help us. Just as all American's help New Orleans. That's what makes America great. But the California disaster isn't an act of God it's an act of greedy liberal politicians who use taxpayer dollars to buy votes.
California pays state employees really well. Some of that is necessary given the cost of living out here but basically the State Legislature spent money like it was going out of style during the recent good economic times, when Republicans controlled the government. Unfortunately they weren't satisfied with spending money they had to commit to spending money in the future. When the recession hit--during Democrat control of the Congress-- California had lots of commitments and too little cash.
Of course since Democrats run the place the State governments response to this has been to try and raise taxes. To understand how the majority of Californians think consider this. A recent article in a major paper said that laying of government workers was bad because it increased unemployment! The author apparently lacks an understanding of the difference between jobs created by the economy and jobs created by taxing the economy.
The government never makes jobs. It just takes money from businesses that would make jobs that make sense and instead creates jobs that further politicians careers.
So much as it pains me to say this when Jerry Brown our once failed and now returned governor comes imperiously striding into DC asking for a bailout tell him he has to wash the dishes to pay the bill.
1 comment:
Sure if there's a big quake I'd expect all Americans to help us. Just as all American's help New Orleans. That's what makes America great. But the California disaster isn't an act of God it's an act of greedy liberal politicians who use taxpayer dollars to buy votes.
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