Thursday, July 26, 2018

The moral high ground

Whenever a leftist demands to know how you, a Christian, can support Trump because of Trumps personal life you need to ask them how they can support any Democrat given that it's likely that that Democrat supports a woman's right to kill her unborn child if she's a girl because she, the mother, wants a boy.

No one approves of Trump's affairs. But infidelity, while not good, is not remotely on par with actively supporting the mass murder of the unborn.

It's not like Trump is working to make infidelity legal; leftists already did that by creating no fault divorce where the cheated on spouse has no more rights than the cheating spouse.

But Democrats are working to ensure that viable unborn babies and unborn babies who can feel pain are viable candidates for execution.

Democrats really do = Hitler; both stand for the mass murder of innocent people.

Most Americans who do support abortion do so only in cases of rape, threat to the life of the mother and/or only in the first trimester.  They're motivated by misplaced concern for the mothers.

Democrats support abortion for any reason at any point right up till the babies head leaves her mothers womb.  That's evil on a Hitlerarian scale.

Even if we ignore the fact that Trump seems to have settled down since about a decade ago it's the Democrats who declared that cheating by the President is of no importance back when it was their guy doing the cheating.

But Democrats have endorsed far worse; Bill Clinton sexually harassed non-consenting women, something Trump has not been credibly accused of, and publicly attacked those women when they spoke out.  Yet Democrats said that did not have any relevance to Bill's ability to be President.  Heck they even said that when Bill lied under oath to avoid a sexual harassment lawsuit that didn't matter.

So remember on a purely moral basis Trump is a saint compared to the Democrats and his sins are personal not matters of public policy.

We must continue to condemn Trump's past behavior but we must also point out that a former cheater is far less morally problematic than people who demand that taxpayers pay for the mass murder of the unborn.

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