Saturday, July 7, 2018

Leftists hate women and minorities

You're probably saying whaaaat?  We all "know" that leftists are big fans of women and minorities.

Well that's sort of true; so long as women and minorities mind their place leftists are uber fond of them, or at least of their votes.

However if a woman says that being a mother is better than being a sex object all of a sudden the leftists attack her and declare her to not really be a woman.  None of that "special place in Hell" for women who don't help women if the woman not being helped doesn't want to kill her unborn child.

Similarly if you see what leftists say about Blacks who don't toe the leftist line on all issues-- think people like Candice Owens, Justice Thomas, and Ben Carson-- you would not be in the least bit surprised that it was Democrats who founded the KKK.

The reality is that the only thing leftists are fans of is getting leftists the power to control our lives down to whether or not we can use plastic bags and plastic straws and how much soda we can drink.

If you toe that leftist line you can get away with pretty much anything; just ask Bill Clinton.

True being good fascists leftists have no loyalty so if a line toeing leftist, like a famous producer, is more valuable sacrificed as a pawn to attack Trump then he will be sacrificed.

But by and large leftists will tolerate pretty much anything so long as the person in question is working to ensure the leftists have the power to control America.

Anyone who crosses the leftists is going to be libeled, slandered, and treated horribly. They're going to prevent that person from using restaurants or putting gas in their car. They don't care if the offender is a woman or a minority because the left cares nothing for those groups other than as tools they can use to further their own agenda.

If a conservative talked to Blacks the way leftist politicians and media personalities talk to Justice Thomas or Candice Owens the media would be crying racism till the end of time.  But the reality is that the left doesn't care about racism other than as a tool to further their own agenda.

If leftists really loved women they wouldn't be supporting the rapists in MS-13 or in support of a woman's right to keep her man happy by killing their baby that he doesn't want.

If leftists really loved Blacks they wouldn't be doing nothing in the leftists run cities where thousands of Blacks are shot each year.  It's a certainty that if 3000+ whites were shot each year in Chicago the leftists who run the place would be doing far more than they are now.

If leftists really loved Asians they wouldn't be supporting colleges discriminating against Asian students.

If leftists really loved Hispanics they'd be working with Trump to fix immigration rather than doing nothing so that they have an election issue.

Bottom Line:  The new leftists are the same as the old Democrats; racist fascists.

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