Wednesday, July 18, 2018

John Brennan says that the Intelligence Community(IC) is full of traitors

John Brennan, head of the CIA and a man who voted for the Communist party candidate for President in 1976, has said that the IC may shift to withholding vital intelligence information from Trump in order to protect that information.

He's also called for the impeachment of Trump and declared that Trump's actions at Helsinki are high crimes and misdemeanors.

If he's right then he's saying that the IC is full of traitors who would withhold critical information from a President because that President criticized them.  Their job is to give the President, whether they like him or not, the information they have so his decisions can be the best possible.  If they're not going to do that they should simply be fired because they're working to hurt the US by denying the President information based on their own political or personal biases.

Can you imagine if the folks who hand out welfare checks said they'd stop doing so because they thought the President was to liberal how the left would scream?  Yet here Brennan is saying that the first loyalty of the IC isn't to the country but to the political opinions of those who work in the IC.

Brennan's call for the IC to boycott the President also shows that Brennan believes that the IC is not full of public servants but rather of co-equals if not superiors to the elected President who can decide to what extent they will do their jobs based on their personal political views about the President.

When Ronald Reagan was shot he asked the surgeon if he was a Democrat. The surgeon replied that today we're all Republicans.  An attitude that is the exact opposite of what Brennan says IC employees should have.

The purpose of the IC is to inform US policy and to protect the US.  If that information is withheld from the President then effectively members of the IC are asking to be paid for not doing their job.

Remember that it was on Brennan's watch that the Russians supposedly successfully hacked the DNC server.  It was his failure to spot and deal with the problem that is at the root of this whole Russian collusion mess. Yet now he's saying that Trump isn't to be trusted because Trump doesn't do what Brennan wants Trump to do.

Apparently what Brennan doesn't realize is that he lives in a representative republic not a banana republic.  The people elected Trump and Brennan isn't some dissatisfied colonel who can declare that the government will ignore the election and do what it wants.

While Brennan has absolutely no evidence that Trump is untrustworthy Brennan is fully comfortable with saying that the civil "servants" who make up the IC have not only the right but the obligation to decide what the President can and can't know.

Clearly to Brennan and any like minded people in the IC power doesn't flow from the people but from the ruling elites in the Federal bureaucracy.

Which means Brennan and they are traitors who reject our form of government.

Perhaps that's not surprising coming from a man, Brennan, who during the height of the cold war and after Russia had brutally suppressed freedom in Hungary and who knew that the Soviet Union had murdered 60,000,000 innocent people still voted for the Communist party candidate for the US Presidency.

One can be sure that Brennan wouldn't demand that the IC deny that communist information back then and we can't be sure that he'd demand it now.

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