Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Elizabeth Warren doesn't believe in climate change or she doesn't care

It makes sense for politicians to use private jets to go between campaign events in different states.

But if the candidate says that we're on the verge of extinction taking a private jet is an assault on everyone.

That's why when supposedly hyper environmentally friendly Elizabeth Warren was caught taking a private jet she quickly moved to hide herself from the camera.

This is nothing new.  All the Democrats, like Al Gore, who castigate us for having a car have carbon footprints that dwarf ours.  As with any fascist group Democrat politicians demand austerity for we the people but live profligate lives themselves.

We all know that human caused catastrophic climate change is a hoax.


We know because all the environmental wackos like Warren say that the Paris accords are great.

The problem is that while the accords placed draconian limits on the American economy it allows China and India to massively increase their CO2 production.

If we only have 12, or 10, years to save the planet there is no way we can allow China to continue to massively increase its CO2 production.

Yet people like Warren say nothing about the China/India problem.


Because they know the whole climate change thing is a hoax whose only objective is to convince us to give up our rights and to turn over more of our money to Democrats.

Energy costs in California are nearly twice that of the rest of the country and a gallon of gas costs $1.5 more than in American in general.  Rich white Democrat politicians don't care about that but the poor, who are often minorities, those are crushing burdens.

Democrats don't care.

The whole purpose of the big climate lie is to impoverish we the people and justify taking away our rights to fly, to own a car, to have a house with a lawn and whatever else Democrats say we shouldn't have.

If flying on a private jet will help Elizabeth Warren get power it's fine. However if you flying to see your children makes your life better you shouldn't do that according to Warren.

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