Monday, February 24, 2020

Bernie Sanders has always supported tyrants

When the communists who ran the Soviet Union Bernie Sanders said that Russia was great.  That despite the gulags and the 60,000,000 innocent people that the Russian communists killed.  

In fact the ability of the Soviet tyrants to imprison dissidents and the ability of the government to take every penny that workers earned seem to have been features in Bernie's mind.

While the Soviet Union was calling for the overthrow of American democracy Bernie was cheering them on.

After Castro was revealed to be a murderous intolerant gay killing monster Bernie still loved Castro so much that he, Bernie, hated JFK for not endorsing the Castro regime.

When the mad mullahs in Iran broke international law and seized the American embassy workers Bernie backed the Imans who ran Iran not America or international law.

The simple reality is that Bernie Sanders is a tyrant himself. That's why he wants to take money from the 60% of hard working Americans, including union workers, and use it to let rich white kids get degrees in gender studies for free.

That's why he supposedly doesn't have any idea of how he'll pay for all the massive give aways he's planned.  He can't admit that his plan is to tax all of us so that while we work for our money he will get to decide how to spend it.  That's what all tyrants do.

Like tyrants Bernie hates the 1st and 2nd Amendments.

The 1st allows us to say things he doesn't like, "hate" speech, and the 2nd means that if he were to abrogate the Constitution we couldn't stop him.

As Mao, presumably another favorite of Bernie's,  said power grows from the barrel of a gun and Bernie, and his fellow Democrats, want to make sure that we the people have no power.

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