Friday, February 28, 2020

Joe Biden, whose son got millions from China, says that China isn't our competitor

With China's military expanding rapidly, including hypersonic weapons and anti-satellite systems, and with China declaring it owns the entire South China sea, extending its waters by 100s of miles, Joe Biden tells us that they're not our competitor.

While he seems to be saying they're not our economic competitor, which itself is dubious, his saying that they're good people seems to imply that they're not our military competitor either.

He correctly lists the problems that the Chinese are facing but then he goes on to say:

“They’re not bad folks, folks… They’re not competition for us,”

That's really odd given that he'd listed among the problems facing China the situation in Hong Kong and the fact that the Chinese have 2 million Uyghurs in concentration camps.

How can a tyrannical regime, that is failing at containing the coronavirus, not be bad folks?

Is this sort of perspective what we want in a President?

Is this a result of the Chinese government funneling millions of dollars towards Joe's son Biden?

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