Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Nancy Pelosi shows her true colors: tearing up the speech edition

In a gross violation of standards Nancy Pelosi tore up her copy of the President's speech last night.

That speech praised one of the last Tuskegee airman; a Black who risked his life for America even as Democrats in the South forced him to ride in the back of the bus.

The speech talked about a two year old girl who was born at 21 weeks who, through the grace of God, is thriving today.

The speech talked about an American family whose father and husband was killed by Iranian terrorist mastermind Soleimani.

The speech talked about how minorities are finally getting their share of the American dream with minority unemployment at historically low levels.

The speech talked about how in the Trump economic boom the lowest income brackets are getting richer faster than the 1%.

By ripping up the speech Pelosi showed her true colors.

She doesn't care about the poor, about minorities, about babies, about protecting American service members; she only cares about power.

She hates Trump because he's not Hillary.

She hates economic growth because it reduces the Democrat's chance to win in 2020

She attacked Trump for killing Soleimani because it made him look good.

She hates that the poor are doing better since Democrats need people to be dependent on the government in order to win elections.

She hates you and yours. She thinks you're stupid and all you care about is stealing money from your fellow Americans.

If you work hard she wants you to give you the money you earned to spend the way she wants to.

If you're out of work she wants you to stay that way so you'll vote for Democrats

She, like her fellow Democrats, is a fascist who wants to run your life because she "knows" that you're unable to do so.

This is a long standing Democrat position.

One of the rationale presented by Democrats to justify their fighting the Civil War to keep slavery legal was that Blacks were too stupid to run their own lives. According to Democrats they were doing Blacks a favor by enslaving them.

Apparently today Democrats view all of us as too stupid to run our own lives, to pick what straws to use, to decide how much soda to drink, and to own a gun.

Keep that in mind when you vote in November.

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