Friday, February 7, 2020

Mayor Pete Buttigieg won't condemn infanticide; follows Elizabeth Warren Amy Klobuchar Bernie Sanders Northam lead

On The View Meghan McCain asked Mayor Pete:

"What if a woman wanted to invoke infanticide after a baby was born -- you'd be comfortable with that?"

A non-monster would have responded by saying "No of course not". But that's not what Buttigieg did.  He said:

"We're talking about families that may have picked out a name -- may be assembling a crib -- and they learn something excruciating and are faced with this terrible choice -- and I don't know what to tell them morally about what they should do," he said. "I just know that I trust her and her decision medically or morally isn't going to be any better because the government is commanding her to do it in a certain way."

Effectively he first assumed that the woman wanted to kill her newly born daughter for some excruciating decision which isn't always the case.  In fact studies have shown that the vast majority of late term abortions aren't due to either a threat to the life of the mother or the possibility the unborn child isn't perfect.

But more importantly his answer says that he's ok with the mother and her doctor deciding to kill her fully born no longer dependent on the mother daughter.

Buttigieg supports infanticide.

He's not the first Democrat to do so.  All the Democrat Presidential candidates in the Senate--Bernie, Warren, and Klobuchar--voted against requiring medical care for born alive babies who survive an abortion attempt.

Democrat Northam, governor of Virginia and Black face or KKK wearing man, also said that a mother should be able to let her new born daughter die by denying her basic medical care.

The Democrats have gone beyond being the party of Abortion for any reason at any time in a pregnancy to supporting the right to kill newly born babies.

One last thing; like many other pro-abortion at any time for any reason including after birth Democrats Buttigieg was appalled that Trump killed terrorist mastermind Soleimani who was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans.

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