Friday, February 7, 2020

Elizabeth Warren says foreigners are helping her campaign

In Iowa Elizabeth Warren said:

“Tonight is for every undocumented, unafraid organizer and volunteer who proudly knocked on doors to let the world know that the path to progress runs through courage, not fear,”

She's admitting that her campaign is being helped by foreigners who are illegally in this country.

This is why Democrats are all for open borders. Even if not every illegal alien votes despite all Democrats are doing to get them to vote illegal aliens can provide massive in kind contributions to Democrats.

According to Mueller the Russians spent a few hundred thousand dollars on the 2016 election.  It's likely that if we assume that the time put in by illegals to help Warren is worth minimum wage rates that already foreigners have done more to help just the Warren campaign, and they're undoubtedly helping the other Democrat campaigns as well, than the Russians spent on all of 2016.

Warren hates you and loves illegal aliens.  It's really that simple.

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