Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Bloomberg tells the truth so he's declared a racist

A recording has appeared of billionaire Mike Bloomberg who bought his way into the Democrat debates telling the truth about big city murders so now he's being labeled a racist.

He said:

"Ninety-five percent of murders- murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take a description, Xerox it, and pass it out to all the cops," he said. "They are male, minorities, 16-25. That's true in New York, that's true in virtually every city (inaudible). And that's where the real crime is. You've got to get the guns out of the hands of people that are getting killed."

He's right.  In Chicago around 3000 people are shot each year; in 2019 80.7% of victims were Black. It's harder to pin down the race of assailants since most are never caught but the police department says that 71% of murders are shooters while 75% of the victims are Black--in 2016.

But because he dared to speak the truth some are calling him a racist.  Note he didn't say that Blacks are evil or stupid or mostly criminal all he said was the truth that the murder epidemic in Democrat run cities is mostly young Black men shooting each other.

So why is that being called racist?  Because the Democrats have to deny reality lest hard questions get asked.

For example we're constantly told that Democrats care about Blacks. But does anyone honestly believe that if nearly 3000 white people were being shot in Chicago every year that the Democrats who have been running the city for more than 80 years wouldn't be doing anything different?

Democrats weaponize the death of Blacks to push for what rich white Democrats want; to take guns away from we the people.  Clearly Democrats don't care about the Black victims or they'd be trying something different to end the horror that Blacks are enduring.

If voters, especially Blacks, find out that Democrats are ignoring the mass shooting of Blacks except to use it to advance the policy agenda of the 1%, disarm the peasants, they might think twice about voting Democrat.

Which brings up the other reason that Democrats ignore the slaughter of Blacks; in Chicago the gangs--which are behind most of the violence--get out the vote, or else, for Democrats.

That's right Democrats are incentivized to keep the gangs, and hence the mass shootings of Blacks, going because the gangs ensure that Democrats keep getting elected.

Now that's the real racism.

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