Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Joy Behar tells Democrats to lie to you to win elections

Democrats don't care about crime or mass shootings because if they did instead of working 24/7 to ensure that Americans can't defend themselves they'd be supporting mental health and other policies that would really address the issue.

Every "gun control" law is really designed to ensure that honest law abiding Americans can't have guns.  A few Democrats have admitted that their real objective is disarming America, O'Rourke for example, but they're being told by leftists to lie to us about what they really want.

Joy Behar is saying that Democrats should lie to Americans about their real plan, seizing our guns in direct violation of the 2nd Amendment, to get elected and then just ignore the Constitution and act like tyrants:

"They should not tell everything they’re going to do. If you're going to take people’s guns away, wait until you get elected -- then take the guns away," she said. "Don’t tell them ahead of time."

Of course an ultra rich person like Behar doesn't care if she can have a gun. She undoubtedly lives in a secure and safe neighborhood and she may even have armed security guards.

She clearly doesn't care if pregnant mothers can defend their husbands in the minutes it takes our brave police officers to respond to a 911 call. Just the other day a pregnant woman shot men who had broken into her house and were beating her husband with an AR-15.  If Behar and O'Rourke had their way she'd have just had to watch while her husband was killed.

Remind your friends about this. Democrats have historically run declaring they'd be moderates but when they get power they rule, not represent, as extreme leftists radicals.  Obama said he was against redefining marriage when he campaigned and then supported it. Obama said that DACA was unconstitutional until he wasn't going to face another election and then implemented it.

Unlike your grandfathers Democrats who were wrong but honest today's Democrat politicians will lie to your face, like Obama telling you over and over that if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor, in order to get power over you.

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