Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Transgender Tyranny:Female athletes can dope up if they say they want to be boys edition

In Texas a girl won the state high school wrestling championship in the 110lb division.

That wouldn't normally be news but the winner is winning because she is doping up and it's perfectly legal.

The winner is taking testosterone shots for three years.  Given that there'a pretty strong societal consensus that that sort of thing is wrong and should disqualify athletes this girl is getting away with it.


Because she says she's transitioning to a boy.  Of course she's not since she's not changing her DNA but under Texas law if the performance enhancing drugs are administered by a doctor, presumably as part of some sort of health care, it's ok.

In fairness to her Texas law requires that people compete based on their birth certificate sex so her request to compete with boys was turned down.

But this is just one more example of how the left hates real women and has no problem with letting real or fake men compete with them in sports.

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