Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Flying Pigs alert; Joe Biden agrees with me!

Joe Biden has finally realized that he may not win the Democrat nomination like Hillary did; just because that's what the DNC wants.

So he's started to point out some of the obvious problems with his main competitor ultra radical Elizabeth Warren.

He doesn't mention her by name but it's clear who he's talking about in this article he wrote:

"But at another level these kinds of attacks[that Biden didn't belong in the Democrat primary] are a serious problem. They reflect an angry unyielding viewpoint that has crept into our politics. If someone doesn’t agree with you — it’s not just that you disagree — that person must be a coward or corrupt or a small thinker.

Some call it the “my way or the highway” approach to politics. But it’s worse than that. It’s condescending to the millions of Democrats who have a different view.

It’s representative of an elitism that working and middle class people do not share: “We know best; you know nothing”. “If you were only as smart as I am you would agree with me.”"

What's shocking is that Biden and I agree. Democrats today like fake Indian Warren are not interested in representing us because they hate us and think we're too stupid to run our own lives. Rather they want to rule over us.

This is a historically Democrat mindset. Few people realize that one of the biggest Democrat arguments in support of slavery was that Blacks were just not smart enough to run their own lives and that by owning them Democrats were doing Blacks a favor.

It's good that Biden is calling out the Warren but the reality is that he's pretty much the same.

His fevered and clearly dishonest denials of any corruption by his son and his switch to radical positions on issues like abortion and gay "marriage" show that if elected he'll rule rather than represent too.

After all Joe Biden keeps telling us he's Catholic and keeps pushing hard to have more babies aborted.  He's even dropped his decades long opposition to tax dollars paying for elective abortions--where there is no health risk to the mother.

That's morally identical to him supporting the Holocaust--another mass murder of innocents--and saying that he's a good Catholic.

If he's willing to lie to God and man about abortion he certainly won't hesitate to lie to us about how he'll rule.

But even if by some miracle he's not as radical as Warren the new Democrat party run by the Deep State and Ocasio-Cortez will steam roller through the most extreme Democrat policies if Biden is President.

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