Friday, November 1, 2019

Elizabeth Warren wants a massive tax increase on the Middle Class

Elizabeth Warren is either economically illiterate or is lying to we the people when she claims that she won't dramatically increase taxes on the Middle Class.

Her first insane claim is that the government is more efficient than the private sector.

Whats amazing is that the same folk who declare that the Pentagon is insanely wasteful somehow think that the government bureaucracy that Warren would have administer her plan would be highly efficient even though, unlike private companies, it would face no competition and the employees would be paid much more than private sector workers and have job security no matter how badly they mess things up.

If you want to know about efficiency go look at the VA.  It's grossly inefficient and even when workers lie and implement policies that kill veterans they're not punished.

As to the drug companies cutting their expenses will cut their research budgets and lead to fewer life saving medicines.

Warren goes on to either lie or demonstrate her ignorance by acting as though massive tax increases on the wealthy and corporation won't hurt the economy in any way.

We've seen that higher tax rates on the wealthy reduces their investments which in turn hurts economic growth and job creation.

Similarly contrary to leftist beliefs corporations don't mint money.  If their tax rates go up they will pass the added expense on to consumers effectively creating a hidden tax on the middle class.

Then Warren declares that a massive tax increase on the Middle Class isn't a tax increase.

It's unclear how anyone can pretend to be honest and say that the government taking the money your employer spends on you isn't a tax increase.  First this tax will only impact those who have good health care; union workers and hardworking Americans.

Second we know for a fact that Medicare for All will be worse than the coverage people in the Middle Class do today.  How?  Because in addition to the massive management costs due to the grossly inefficient government bureaucracy Warren is adding millions of people who currently don't pay a dime for health insurance. So the same number of dollars that pays for health care for the middle class today will have to pay for coverage for a lot more people.

But leftists like Warren are happy because bums who dropped out of high school will have the same medical coverage as hard working Americans.

Also note that she's not taking the money that workers pay into their health plans. That's creating another shortfall.

Finally in a world where China and Russia are demonstrating imperialist tendencies and Islamic terrorism is still wide spread she's going to cut Defense Spending.

While the #FakeNew media won't expose the insanity in her plans the Democrats running against her will.

The other obvious problem is that Democrats told us the same voodoo about Obamacare and now they're attacking Obamacare, which is still the law of the land, is horrible.

Of course we the people are asking the obvious question; if Democrats were so totally wrong about Obamacare as recently as a year or so ago why should we believe their new pie in the sky claims?

If you see any pigs flying here's why; Joe Biden agrees with me!

The Biden campaign made the following statement:

"For months, Elizabeth Warren has refused to say if her health care plan would raise taxes on the middle class, and now we know why: because it does. Senator Warren would place a new tax of nearly $9 trillion that will fall on American workers."

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