Tuesday, October 1, 2019

If Democrats really care about the poor why don't they give their own money to the poor?

The #FakeNews media is constantly telling us that Democrats care about the poor.  But all Democrats do is tax you to provide benefits to people who will vote Democrat.

When's the last time you heard about a millionaire Democrat like Bernie Sanders giving a large chunk of their own money to help illegal immigrants or poor Americans?  Never.

Democrat politicians want to be philanthropic with other people's money not their own.

Studies have shown that conservatives are more charitable than leftists.  Interestingly leftists "debunk" these studies by saying that if you exclude contributions to religious organizations--you know like all those churches which run soup kitchens--then conservatives aren't more generous.

Apparently leftists think that all religious groups are selfish and do nothing to help those in need.

The reality is simple; leftists want to tax you, spend a big chunk of what they get from you on overpaid government bureaucrats, and then feel good about themselves for the remainder that goes to help the poor.

Private charities are far more efficient than the Federal government yet leftists don't give their own money to help the poor.

The simple reality is that the leftists are cheap and don't care about the poor enough to give their own money to help those in need.

Remember when Obama said that once someone earns enough money they're obligated to spread the wealth around?  Well Obama just bought a $15 million dollar house on the beach--so much for the oceans rising a lot. If he really cared about the poor couldn't he have bought a $10 million house and given $5 million to help poor Blacks in Chicago?

It's fine that Obama used his money for himself but it's not fine that leftists like him pretend to care about the poor because they raise your taxes.

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